Married with Children

A celebration with children (of any age) is an inclusive and memorable way to begin your blended life together. To help your children and bonus babies feel the love and share the limelight, consider adding one or more of the following:

  • Special roles in the ceremony

  • Presentation of special family gifts

  • Addition of family vows

  • A family dance to a special song

  • A reserved family table

  • A toast to each child

  • Children-specific foods and activities


    A wedding celebration can be a L O N G and over-stimulating day for most young children. Tired (and unintentionally ignored) kids are unhappy kids (think frowns in photos with tears or tantrums coming down the aisle). To help avoid meltdowns, young children need help. Assigning the care of young children to a trusted adult may provide them (and you) with the support needed. Children behave best when they are well-rested and well-fed. Schedule healthy snacks and breaks/naps. If children don’t have to be at the celebration ALL day and ALL night - arrange for a shorter participation window. Special games, videos, and activities to occupy them during the “boring parts” may help. Finally, children know when they don’t have parents’ attention or approval. Although your wedding celebration can be a busy, chaotic, and emotional day, try to sprinkle a generous amount of hugs, encouragement, and comfort to your lovable littles!

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Celebration Menus = K.I.S.S.(Keep It Simple, Sweethearts)


Outdoor Celebration Tips